Privacy Policy

Looking For Many (LFM) respects our users. Our privacy policy will explain what we do with any data we collect.

We may collect your information through our site and usage data from your browser cookies to tailor your experience.
And we will use analytics to monitor and analyze web traffic and can be used to keep track of User behavior.
Based on this information, we may display products and content we feel you might interest you.

We do not spam, rent or sell our mailing list. Your personal data is passed to third party when you explicitly click on displayed advertisement (from third party) on our site.
The third party will give better experience about the advertisement by based on collected information. We can make sure we offer the best user experience possible.

This site contains links of third party websites. Users are the responsible for sharing your personal data to those third party websites.
We are not responsible for thier privacy policies.

Please contact us at if you have any queries about our privacy practices.